
Shareholder in a holding put a time capsule into the wall of a new office. A message to the future...

On 22 April, an event of great importance to the Company took place at the grand opening of the new Vipservice office reserved for CWT and Paxport. Aleksandr Spirin, a shareholder in the Company, made a time capsule containing a message to the integrated team in 2022.

"I salute people who are present here today. We have completed a major project. We have worked hard a whole year to make you feel comfortable and cozy here. All newcomers are now starting out on a long journey and we have many victories ahead of us on this journey", Aleksandr Spirin told CWT and Paxport employees.

Victories and ambitious challenges facing the enhanced professional Vipservice team are globalisation and a quantum leap in business development. This is what the message was all about:

"Now we are one big family – there are more than 1,500 of us. We are all moving towards one main objective: the Holding must take the lead both in the domestic and international market. Today, our clients speak in over 10 languages and we have opened our first office outside the Russian market – in Germany. 

 In three years, when this capsule will have been unsealed, we want to have the right to say this to ourselves: "We have grown quantitatively: in terms of size, volume and number of markets involved. We have grown qualitatively: in terms of knowledge, systems and speed of information dissemination. Most importantly, we have more colleagues, clients and partners who have chosen us with their whole heart!"

Employees' personal messages to their future selves were placed into the time capsule along with the message to the integrated team. Some dream of growing professionally and of moving on to a senior position, others hope their new project will be approved, etc. Will all of us be able to keep these promises and reach our goals? We'll find that out in three years!  3F9A5772.jpg
